Saturday, November 26, 2011

When nothing seems to be going right... GO LEFT! :)

So, now guess what... 
2 of the sweetest guys I know told me they like me, but as you know I am just not looking for someone in this moment. 
Annnyyyway, In this moment Im kind of down. I know that I should be happy because of all the wonderful things I have like my family, my friends and simply just because I am healthy and alive.
But, here is the thing: I want something really bad and in this moment I am realizing that for me that is just a dream, the truth is that for me that is just a dream. And yeah I'll try really hard to be able to reach it but... well looking at where I am standing it is just a dream for me, not an option. I mean as incredible as it may seem about a second ago I was actually thinking it could be possible. But I PROMISE I WILL TRY :)

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