Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hello :)

Hey! Its 11:35 and I am really not tiered... I actually have a LOT of school projects to finish but, I am planning on not doing ANYTHING at all because I wanna write in my cute blog jijiji Cool huh?
Im actually chillin' eating little pieces of the huge pink orange which I can't even recall its name. -.-
Well now I shall talk about my day.
A LOT OF THINGS HAPPENED 2DAY! buuuut lets go in order :)
-I realized that the 1 PERFECT hot looking "sweet"and not stupid guy in the world is actually A BIG STUPID JERK.
-The great big stupid jerk will stay in my life because we are in the same stupid classroom GREAT...
-Sweet guy #1 is really sweet & Sweet guy #2 is really romantic one of his friends is in my school and is always talking about what a good guy he is, HAH at least there is 1 good friend in this world!
-Today I took modeling lessons! HOW COOL IS THAT! yeah I guess that is like one of the most remarkable things in my life at the moment lol well my teacher was a finalist in miss mexico she is Olga Ancona and she scares the hell out of me lol but in some weird aspect she is interesting. But going back to the class thing it went quite well :) I feel very confident on the runway.
-I have a serious issue with burlesque (the song) by Christina Aguilera I FREAKING LOVE THAT SONG! 
-At this precise moment I feel guilty because I am not doing my projects lol

HAPPY 29th of november -.- I am still awake and not planning on going to sleep... one of my friends is also up and actually Im really glad he is :) he is sweet guy #1 but shhh don't tell him lol 
hey I officially have 5 hours to sleep so I recommend myself to go to hit the sack 
BRB literally, I will in a couple of hours :) byeee LOVE YOU BTW tomorrow ill drink like A LOOOOT OF COFFE...
*brb=be right back btw=by the way

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